Flores del Camino

Camino de Santiago

Online Courses, Retreats and Pilgrimages

Whether joining us from home or on the Camino, step into the transformative spirit of pilgrimage. Connect with enlivened traditions, ancient crafts and timeless practices.


Connect with the archetype of pilgrimage, the land, its wonders, yourself and community.

Online Courses

Discover contemplative arts and sacred architecture along the Camino.


Walk a guided mini pilgrimage to the Valley of Silence or all the way to Santiago.


Surrounded by warm hospitality and breathtaking landscapes, Flores del Camino Retreat centre is located in Castrillo de los Polvazares—one of Spain’s most beautiful villages, as recognised by National Geographic.

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Deepen your appreciation for Celtic, Roman, Mozarabic, Romanesque & Gothic treasures.

Sacred Geometry

Immerse yourself in wild landscapes & sacred spaces - from pre - historic cave paintings, ancient petroglyphs to gothic cathedrals.

Sacred Sites

Experience foraging, preparing & painting with local earth pigments & other ancient crafts.

Colors of the Earth

Explore the ancient stories of the land and the stories within within.


Silent Retreats & Contemplative Practices

Deepen your inner life.

Nourish your soul with the profound patterns in sacred art, pilgrimage, nature & your life.

Ancient Rhythms

“Beauty isn’t just about nice loveliness. Beauty is about more rounded, substantial becoming. Beauty in that sense is about an emerging fullness, a greater sense of grace and homecoming for the enriched memory of your unfolding life”.

— John O’Donohue